Outlast power outages
Power outages can happen unexpectedly and last for hours, or even days. With 20 kWh of battery capacity, the Lunar System brings you energy independence and security, so life in your home can carry on uninterrupted during a power outage.
When the grid fails, your Lunar System disconnects from the grid and restores backup power to your home in a fraction of a second. This means that your home will seamlessly switch to solar and battery power, and your appliances keep running without interruption. You may not even notice when an outage occurs.
The Lunar App will send you grid outage notifications and offer real-time insights into how your Lunar System is behaving during an outage, ensuring you stay informed and prepared.
- If you have notifications enabled in the Lunar App, you’ll be notified as soon as your Lunar System detects a grid outage, and you’ll be notified again once the grid is restored.
- Ensure notifications are enabled by going to ‘Settings’ > ‘Your home overview’ > ‘Notification preferences.’ Please also make sure your device settings allow notifications from the Lunar App.
See everything in the Lunar App
In the Lunar App’s home screen, you’ll be able to see what’s happening in your home during an outage, for example:
- Lunar’s prediction of how long your system could power your home at your current rate of electricity usage
- Your battery’s state of charge
- Your live home electricity usage and solar generation

If the circumstances allow, the Lunar System can keep you powered until the next morning, when the sun rises, powers your home, and recharges the battery all over again.
We recommend reducing the use of energy-intensive appliances —such as air conditioners, electric heaters, EV chargers, and dishwashers — if your battery's charge is getting low (20%), your power consumption is high, or if a power outage goes on for longer than a couple hours. The Lunar App can guide you through an outage, and as you turn off electrical loads, you can instantly see how much additional backup time your Lunar System can provide.

If your Lunar System's charge is very low (less than 10%) or your consumption is nearly at the maximum your system can provide, your home’s power system could "trip" (a safety mechanism that cuts power to prevent system overload). To avoid this, lower the usage of energy-intensive devices. This will help prevent a system trip and allow the Lunar System to continue supporting your home for as long as possible. If a brownout does occur, turn off any heavy load. The Lunar System will immediately attempt to restart and resume off-grid operation.

Can I add more backup loads?
The Lunar System should always be designed and installed properly to support your home consumption during an outage. However, if you add new heavy loads to your Lunar Bridge without approval from your installer, or your installer puts more loads into backup than your Lunar System can handle, you may be at risk of tripping the Lunar System and temporarily losing backup power to your home during an outage. To mitigate the risks of tripping the Lunar System, we recommend always consulting with your installer before adding more heavy loads to your home.